Who is 888 486 4722
Phone Number Identification
The phone number 888-486-4722 is a toll-free number that is owned and operated by SiriusXM, a satellite radio company that provides a variety of music, sports, news, and entertainment programming to subscribers across North America. The number is used by SiriusXM for a variety of purposes, including sales, customer service, and technical support.
Customer Service and Support
One of the main uses of 888-486-4722 is for customer service and support. Customers who have questions, concerns, or issues with their SiriusXM service can call the number to speak with a customer service representative who can help them resolve their problem. The number can also be used to access technical support for issues related to equipment installation or connectivity.
Sales and Marketing
In addition to customer service and support, 888-486-4722 is also used by SiriusXM for sales and marketing purposes. Customers who are interested in subscribing to SiriusXM or upgrading their existing subscription can call the number to speak with a sales representative who can provide them with information about pricing, packages, and available programming options. The number may also be used for marketing campaigns, such as promotional offers or special deals for new subscribers.