What is Chi?in?u area code

Number GuyVanity Numbers

What is Chi?in?u Area Code?

Chi?in?u is the capital city of the Republic of Moldova, a landlocked country in Eastern Europe. The Chi?in?u area code is +373 22, which is used for phone numbers in the city and its surrounding areas. The +373 country code is the international dialing code for Moldova.

How to Dial Chi?in?u Area Code

To dial a phone number in Chi?in?u, you would first need to enter the international dialing code for Moldova, which is +373. This is followed by the Chi?in?u area code, which is 22. Finally, you would enter the seven-digit phone number you wish to reach. If you are calling from within Moldova, you can skip the international dialing code and simply dial the Chi?in?u area code followed by the seven-digit phone number.

Other Area Codes in Moldova

Aside from the Chi?in?u area code, there are several other area codes used for phone numbers in Moldova. For example, the area code for the city of B?l?i is +373 231, while the area code for the city of Tiraspol is +373 533. Each area code is assigned to a specific geographic region in the country, and is used for phone numbers in that region.

In conclusion, the Chi?in?u area code is +373 22, which is used for phone numbers in the capital city of Moldova and its surrounding areas. To dial a phone number in Chi?in?u, you would need to enter the international dialing code for Moldova, followed by the Chi?in?u area code and the seven-digit phone number. There are also other area codes used for phone numbers in different regions of Moldova, such as B?l?i and Tiraspol.