Which country code is +1 925

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Which Country Code is +1 925?

The country code +1 is used for phone numbers in the United States and Canada. The area code 925 is used specifically for phone numbers in the East Bay region of the San Francisco Bay Area in California, United States. The area includes cities such as Concord, Walnut Creek, and Pleasanton.

How to Dial a +1 925 Number

If you are dialing a phone number with the +1 925 country code, you would need to dial the international prefix for your country (e.g. 011 from the US) followed by the country code +1, and then the 925 area code and the seven-digit phone number you wish to reach. If you are calling from within the United States or Canada, you can simply dial the 925 area code followed by the seven-digit phone number.

Other Area Codes in California

California has multiple area codes in addition to 925, such as 408, 510, 650, 707, and 916, among others. Each area code is assigned to a specific geographic region within the state and is used for phone numbers in that region.

In conclusion, the country code +1 is used for phone numbers in the United States and Canada, and the area code 925 is used for phone numbers in the East Bay region of the San Francisco Bay Area in California. To dial a +1 925 number, you would need to dial the international prefix for your country (if outside the US or Canada), followed by the country code +1, and then the 925 area code and the seven-digit phone number. California has multiple other area codes in addition to 925, each assigned to a specific geographic region within the state.